Sunday, February 23, 2020


We had a great trip to the East Coast this weekend — the 7th Annual Scott Blevins Workshop. There was a social Friday night with 54 dances... 24 of which I did not dance; there was a playlist for the daytime on Saturday (both during the workshop day as well as over the lunch break)... of which there were 4 dances I did not know (out of 40!); and there was a Saturday Night social with another 49 dances... of which I did not know 4. (At one point I had danced 15 straight! Whew!!!)

Scott taught us 4 dances: “What A Man Gotta Do” (stepsheet is on Copperknob); “Nobody” (stepsheet to be released soon); “Take It Further” (by Tim Johnson - which Deb had already taught); and Scott’s classic “Drive Me Wild”.