Thursday, July 16, 2015

Thursday, July 16

Well...  Everyone left for FITS today.  Am missing being there!

But, we did dance today.  Went over Wedding Prospect, Love Contract, Bible Belt Boogie, Truck Stop, You Girl, and No Vacancy.  Taught "The Bomp" and danced it 3 times.  Danced "Love You Forever", "Cheap Talk", and "Shotgun Mambo".  Also went over Skip The Line, Mucara Walk, and Tell The World.

And then I worked on Turn The Beat Around and Mr. Put It Down.

All in all, a good day of dance...

Monday, July 13, 2015

Monday, July 13

Dancing on a regular basis just doesn't happen on the road.


But, today, while we were doing laundry, we worked on a few:  Skip The Line, No Vacancy, Wedding Prospect, Mucara Walk, Truck Stop, Tell The World, Love Contract, You Girl.  I showed Suzanne The Bomp.

I'm working on Turn The Beat Around.  Need to look at Dear Future Husband.  And still need to work on Rachael's Mr. Put It Down.

Anxious to hear the reports from FITS!

Friday, July 10, 2015

Thursday, July 9

Got some dancing in today!

Reviewed No Vacancy and Skip The Line, worked on Bible Belt Boogie and You Girl, and also worked on Mucara Walk.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Tuesday, July 7

Even though we're off traveling, there is still some dancing going on!

This morning, for example, we worked on No Vacancy and then did a little dancersize with Let's Just Dance, Love Me Or Leave Me, Ain't Nothin' (Like A Southern Girl), Bossa Nova, Tennessee Waltz Surprise, and Mona Lisa.

Traveling and dancing!  What could be better?

Friday, July 3, 2015

Friday, July 3

Teaching days - done
Learning days - done
Dancersize day?  May have one more...  Maybe.

Then we hit the road and it'll be about 6 weeks (or so) before the real activity kicks up again.  Stay tuned, though - there very well could be intermittent posts about new dances that I'm looking at/preparing to teach when I return.


Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Wednesday, July 1

For those who are waiting, the schedule for FITS (Fun In The Sun) is posted.  And, sorry to say, none of the beginner dances that I brought back from Raleigh are being offered again.

Lots of the Intermediate/Advanced dances are, however.  And Get It On, Make It Rain, Lay It Right, Stonecold, and I'm Ready.

Also being taught are other dances that some of us already know:  WTF, Take Me To Church, Bo$$, Psycho, and I Hate Myself.

Several of Rachael's dances from last weekend are also being taught including:  Making Me Feel, Lean Way Back, Riversoul, Do What You Do, and Mr. Put It Down.  I would recommend going to the ones of these that meet your skill level.  They were all good!

It looks like a great schedule!  I'm sorry I'm going to miss it this year.