Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Wednesday, July 1

For those who are waiting, the schedule for FITS (Fun In The Sun) is posted.  And, sorry to say, none of the beginner dances that I brought back from Raleigh are being offered again.

Lots of the Intermediate/Advanced dances are, however.  And Get It On, Make It Rain, Lay It Right, Stonecold, and I'm Ready.

Also being taught are other dances that some of us already know:  WTF, Take Me To Church, Bo$$, Psycho, and I Hate Myself.

Several of Rachael's dances from last weekend are also being taught including:  Making Me Feel, Lean Way Back, Riversoul, Do What You Do, and Mr. Put It Down.  I would recommend going to the ones of these that meet your skill level.  They were all good!

It looks like a great schedule!  I'm sorry I'm going to miss it this year.

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