Sunday, May 15, 2016


May 15, 2015...

Just got home from FloriDance - my first time at that event. Choreographers were Trevor Thornton, Will Craig, Guyton Mundy and Amy Glass. The event is put on by Patrick Fleming..

There were two rooms with teaches taking place all day - I never went in to the "beginner" or "other" room so I don't know what was taught there. In the main room, there were six teaches during the day and one more in the evening at the social.

Guyton taught "Work From Home" which is a phrased ABCD dance choreographed with Roy Hadisabroto and Fred Whitehouse. I think I have parts B and C. A and D need some (a LOT) of work!

He also taught "Work Song" which is also phrased (AB) and choreographed with Klara Wallman, Roy Hadisabroto and Fred Whitehouse.  An "easier" dance (if any of Guyton's dances can be classified as "easy") than the other one but not a dance I could just walk out on the floor today and do - it's gonna need some work!

Will taught "Right About Now"  A phrased (AB) dance which may be my favorite of the weekend. He also taught "High On Loving You" which was a 48 count, 4 wall nightclub with several restarts. A pretty dance if you're in the market for a nightclub.

Amy taught "You Make It Real" - another "nightclubby" feel dance with an easy 6-count tag. 32 count and 2 walls. Pretty dance. She also taught "Sunshine In My Pocket" which may also be my favorite from the weekend. Again, a phrased (ABC) dance but fun and funky. Upbeat new music from Justin Timberlake.

The one teach I had from Trevor was "Coconut Water" - a phrased (AB) dance that I'm hoping my Thursday class will like. I need to work on it a little more before I teach it - but I think I'll bring it to them within the next couple of weeks.

We spent all day Saturday in workshops and then had Saturday night for open/social dancing. JP Potter was the DJ for the event. We had several dances played during the course of the night that we knew how to do (or used to know how to do and faked it really well!). Love going to events - the requests bring up dances I'd never think of on my own!

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